Home Reviews Creating Goals for Performance Review

Creating Goals for Performance Review

Last updated on Aug 02, 2024

Tip: Important Points:

  1. Employee should have a minimum goal count as 3 and a maximum goal count as 8

  2. Weight of every goal is recommended to be a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 40%

  3. Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound)

    Click "Define Goals"

Click "Set Equal Weights" or you can add the weights manually. Please ensure that the total goals weight is 100%

You will be able to select/exclude goals if the goals were pre-defined on Peoplebox

If goals are not pre-defined, you will be able to create new goals. Click "Create Goal"

Please follow the attached link for guidance on creating a Goal/OKR: https://help2.peoplebox.ai/hc/peoplebox-help-center/articles/1721199879-create-goal-with-key-result-progress-in-peoplebox-dashboard

Every time a new goal is added, the weights should be adjusted

Click "Submit"

Submit your goals for approval by clicking on "Yes"