Home 1-on-1s Conducting 1-on-1s

Conducting 1-on-1s

Last updated on Sep 26, 2024
  • On the left sidebar of your dashboard, click on the "1 on 1s" icon.

  • Please select the 1-on-1 meeting you would like to conduct.

  • You and the person you're having the 1-on-1 with can share notes that are only visible to you both and the admin.

  • You can add Action Items to the 1-on-1s.

  • You can add your private notes to the 1-on-1s that will be visible only to you.

  • You can check past Action Items.

  • You can view and track the goals of the person you are having 1-on-1s with.

  • The tool provides suggested talking points that you can include in your 1-on-1s.

  • Once you finish the 1-on-1, click "Mark Completed".