Home 1-on-1s Create 1-on-1 Meeting Using Peoplebox Calendar Integration

Create 1-on-1 Meeting Using Peoplebox Calendar Integration

Last updated on Sep 18, 2024
  • On the left sidebar of your dashboard, click on the "1 on 1s" icon.

  • You can add your 1-on-1s by syncing Peoplebox with Google/Microsoft Calendar.

  • After syncing your calendar, all the 1-on-1s will automatically appear on the tool. However, if no 1-on-1s are scheduled, you can create one from here.

  • Or you can manually create 1-on-1s from the tool as well.

  • Select the employee, date, time, and duration of the 1-on-1, then click "Create". Your 1-on-1 with the employee will be scheduled.