Home Surveys Where to view & reply to open text messages?

Where to view & reply to open text messages?

Last updated on Jul 29, 2024
  1. The open text messages are always anonymous. When you reply to any message, the employee gets a notification with your name and the reply you sent.

    Even if multiple replies are exchanged on the "Messaging" page, the employee's name will not be revealed in order to maintain confidentiality

  2. To reply, navigate to the "Messages" section in the Surveys

  1. On the left panel, you will see the total number of open text messages received. Click on "Sent" to view the replies sent to open text messages.

To reply, go to the dropdown labeled "Click here to reply" below each message. You can either choose your reply from the suggestions given or type your own reply

Lastly, if you expect the conversation to continue, click on "Send". If the matter is resolved and no further communication is needed, click on "Send & Close"