Home Integrations


By Alagu
• 2 articles

Integrating SAP Successfactors with Peoplebox

Create a Client Application 1. Log in to your SAP SuccessFactors account as an administrator. 2. Go to Admin Center and navigate to API Center > OAuth Configuration for OData. 3. Select Register Client Application. 4. Fill in the following details on the application registration page: • Company: Your organization’s name. • Application Name: Assign a unique identifier for your OAuth client. • Application URL: Provide a URL that can direct users to additional details about the application. This is primarily for 3-legged OAuth, which isn’t currently supported. • X-509 Certificate: Upload the certificate that aligns with the private and public keys used in the OAuth 2.0 process. Details on how to generate certificate 5. Click Register to save your application. 6. Once registered, you can view the generated API key by selecting the View option in the application list. Step 2: Share Required Details After completing the client application setup, share the following details with support@peoplebox.ai to enable the integration: • Client ID: The API key created during the client application registration. • Client Secret: The private key content (from the .pem file) generated during the setup. • API Server: The URL for your account’s API server. [List of API server URLs here]. • Company ID: This can be found by clicking your profile picture in SAP SuccessFactors and selecting Show version information. Look for the “Company ID” in the popup. • Username: Your username, shown in parentheses beside your profile image. Once you provide these details, the Peoplebox team will set up the connection for you. 🎉

Last updated on Dec 31, 2024

Salesforce Integration

Salesforce Integration In this article: - Introduction to Salesforce integration. - Enabling the Salesforce integration. - Configuring the Salesforce connection - Connection the Salesforce connection to an OKR. - More Details Introduction to Salesforce integration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HQXNoHnGng Integrating Salesforce with Peoplebox allows you to link your OKRs directly with data you have in Salesforce. Say, for example, you have an opportunity and you want to track progress, by implementing a Salesforce integration, you can save yourself the hassle of repeatedly going back and forth between your CRM and Peoplebox to update your progress: This makes for a powerful setup as it ensures that the OKR process is not waiting on manual check-ins and progress is updated real-time on Peoplebox. Enabling the Salesforce integration Anyone with access to Peoplebox can enable this integration. Here’s how it can be done: - Edit a Key result (KR) you want to integrate Salesforce with. - In the Edit KR drawer under the Progress Section, you will have an option to Enable the integration. If a connection has been made previously or if the integration has been enabled already, you will have the option to Edit the enabled integration. • This integration can also be disabled by unchecking the Automatic Updates From option. Configuring the Salesforce connection - After enabling the integration, the first step is to configure a Salesforce connection. - In the Connect to Salesforce drawer, click on the Connect to Salesforce button. - A new tab will open where you will need to login into your Salesforce account to continue with. - Once you are logged in, you will be redirected to a permissions selection page. These permissions are mandatory for Peoplebox to keep accurate track of data derived from Salesforce. - After this step, you will be taken to Specify Input Fields tab. - You can update the name of the connection by going back to the Authorize tab. Connecting the Salesforce connection to an OKR Once you have configured the connection, the next step is to start linking OKRs to the data derived from Salesforce. - Enter a valid SoQL query in the SoQL input field. - Note that this query should only return a single numeric value. Otherwise, you might see an error. - You can Verify your input by clicking the button below. - SoQL Queries to try: - SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM Account - SELECT SUM(ExpectedRevenue) FROM Opportunity More Details - The value you link will be automatically updated in every 24 hours. If you want to do a manual update you can do so by clicking the Salesforce icon on the listing and the Goal details page, and then clicking the Sync now button.

Last updated on Mar 04, 2025