Home Goals / OKRs Update progress from Jira

Update progress from Jira

Last updated on Sep 26, 2024

In this article:

  • Introduction to Jira integration

  • Enabling the Jira integration

  • Configuring the Jira connection

  • Connecting the Jira connection to an OKR

Introduction to Jira integration:

Integrating Jira with Peoplebox allows any updates on linked Jira user stories or epics or issues to automatically update the progress on your OKRs in Peoplebox. This makes for a powerful setup as it ensures that the OKR process is not waiting on manual check-ins and that progress is updated in real-time on Peoplebox.

Here are a couple of examples where teams see the benefit of the integration with Jira:

  1. A Product Manager links their Objective (‘Ship feature OKR Integrations’) with an epic in Jira. As stories within the epic get done, the objective gets closer to its goal.

  2. The engineering team plans to resolve 50 known security issues in their app in a quarter. They link their objective to an epic under which issues get filed, and set the target of their KPI success metric to 50. Peoplebox ensures that as and when the issues are resolved on Jira, the progress is updated in Peoplebox

Enabling the Jira integration

Anyone with access to the specified tool can enable integration, and here’s how it can be done:

  • Edit a Key result (KR) you want to integrate Jira with.

  • In the Edit KR drawer, you will have the option to Enable the integration. If a connection has been made previously or if the integration has been enabled already, you will have the option to Edit the enabled integration.

  • This integration can also be disabled by unchecking the Automatic Updates From option.

Configuring the Jira connection

  • After enabling the integration, the first step is to configure a Jira connection.

  • In the Connect to Jira drawer**, ** provide a name for the connection.

  • Add the Server URL of your Jira account.

  • Enter the Email Address and the API token associated with your Jira account. The instructions for generating an API token for your Jira account is available here.

  • Click on Save to get up and running with this integration. You can edit the saved connection at any time.

While in most cases one connection is enough, Peoplebox allows you to connect with multiple Jira instances. Click ‘Create a new connection’ to add another instance. You can add names to your connections to differentiate them. These names are displayed to members when they link their OKRs to Jira stories.

Connecting the Jira connection to an OKR

Once you have configured the connection, the next step is to start linking OKRs to the stories or epics or issues in Jira.

  • After you have added the authorisation details, the next step is to Specify the input field.

  • In the JQL text box add a JQL query to match any issues that would relate to the objective or key result. This also means that as more issues in Jira match the query, they keep getting linked to the success of the objective or key result. Read more about what JQL is here.

  • Once you have added the JQL and selected the Metric of choice, you can Verify your result and then click the Save Changes button to successfully link your Objective or KR to Jira.