Home Business Reviews How to create Business Reviews?

How to create Business Reviews?

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

1. Go to the Business Reviews tab & click on Add Review

Click on Add Review

2. Type a suitable title for your business review Eg:- "Design Monthly OKR Review"

Type a suitable title for your business review Eg:- "Design Monthly OKR Review"

3. By default your department will be selected

By default your department will be selected

4. You can choose a different department as well

You can choose a different department as well

5. Choose the type of business review, it can be monthly, weekly etc

Choose the type of business review, it can be monthly, weekly etc

6. Choose the Business Review Date

Choose the Business Review Date

7. Choose Business Review Time

Choose Business Review Time

8. Check Auto add next Business Review

Check this option, if you want Peoplebox to create your business review in advance.
If you choose your frequency as weekly, then your next business review will be created 4 days in advance. If you choose one among Monthly, Biweekly or quarterly then your business review will be created 7 days in advance

Check Auto add next Business Review

9. Click on Add and you will be taken to the created business review

Click on Add and you will be taken to the created business review

10. Click to go back to see your business reviews

Click to go back to see your business reviews

11. Click on Add Review to add next set of review if you need it

Click on Add Review to add next set of review if you need it

12. You can choose for which Business Review Meeting you want to add your next review.

Let's say if you already had a monthly business review meeting for Design department, now if you want to create a weekly review for the same then you can also click at the bottom where it says
'Want to add a fresh Business Review?' Click here and clicking there you will be presented with options to create a new type of business review.

You can choose for which Business Review Meeting you want to add your next review.

13. You can also click at this arrow to directly access different type of reviews available for creation.

You can also click at this arrow to directly access different type of reviews available for creation.

14. You can choose the relevant one as per your need and accordingly, the same frequency will be selected when the modal opens.

You can choose the relevant one as per your need and accordingly, the same frequency will be selected when the modal opens.