Home Business Reviews Overview of Business Reviews

Overview of Business Reviews

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

Business reviews form the core communication fabric for the organization to track and achieve their OKRs. It gives visibility from bottom to top and helps teams to get feedback to ensure that they are going in the right direction.

From what we have learnt working with several companies, there are several types of review meetings that happen. As you start early - prefer to have fewer ones. Start small, get wins and then expand.

Quarterly & Monthly Reviews (QBR, MBR)

QBRs/MBRs are almost standard in organizations which start with reviews. QBRs & MBRs usually have two formats

View Peoplebox MBR Demo

  1. QBRs/MBRs reporting to Management: Report vertically up to your management about the progress and OKR achievement.

  2. Horizontal Update Meeting: Update horizontally across cross-functional teams to communicate updates and gather dependencies.

    How to Run QBRs or MBRs

    Template for QBR / MBR

Weekly Reviews

Weekly meetings are mostly progress update meetings that are around the following sections:

  1. Highlights

  2. Health Metrics(KPIs)

  3. Project Updates