Home Goals / OKRs Notification from Peoplebox, post adding owners to key results

Notification from Peoplebox, post adding owners to key results

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

Who will receive a notification when someone has assigned the owner?

Notifications for owner assignments in Peoplebox are sent only to users who have been added to the tool and have logged in to the dashboard at least once. This means that if someone assigns an owner to a particular Goal, only the relevant user will receive a notification about the assignment. This ensures that notifications are targeted and relevant, and helps to reduce unnecessary interruptions and distractions for users who are not involved in the task.

From whom will I receive the notification?

You will receive a notification from ‘support@peoplebox.ai

How can I check which Goal or Objective has been assigned to me?

You can either log in to Peoplebox and click on my Goals to see the Goals/ Objectives/KRs assigned to you or you can click on the CTA(click to action) button of ‘Open Goal’ present in the mail sent by Peoplebox when you are tagged as an owner for Goals/ Objectives/ KR’s.