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Looker Troubleshooting Guide

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

My looker keeps timing out, what should I do?

  • The default timeout for a response from Looker is max 40 seconds.

  • In the event that looker doesn't return the data in this time, you will se an error as follows

  • To solve the timeout issue, the user needs to make sure that the dashboard data is hot on looker. What it means is that the user should have opened the dashboard on looker multiple times in the last few minutes, such that on refreshing the chart on looker dashboard, it should load instantly.

  • Once the dashboard data is hot, user should try to integrate on Peoplebox and it should work smoothly.

  • This issue happens only while integrating first time. Once it is integrated, during the regular sync - we will get the data after multiple attempts.

Why are the axis for the charts are showing wrong?

  • All the charts should have proper custom labels for x and y axis.

  • If custom labels are not present then the first label for each axis returned by looker would be shown. Labels don't affect the value selected.

  • Go ahead and choose the axis, after that you'll be able to see the right values in the dropdown below.