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Multiple Alignment(Multiple Parents) for OKRs (Goals)

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024

Introducing Multiple Alignment, Peoplebox recognizes that while the OKR methodology promotes single alignment throughout an organization, the modern workplace often comprises non-linear structures and matrixes. Multiple Alignment empowers teams to effectively navigate these complexities, fostering greater collaboration and productivity across the organization.

In this Article:

  • What is Multiple Alignment?

  • Using Multiple Alignment

  • How Multiple Alignment Works

  • When to use Multiple Alignment

  • Private Goals and Multi Alignment

What is Multiple Alignment

The multiple Alignment feature allows users to align a single goal to 2 or more goals above it in the organization.

Multiple Aligned goals are easy to distinguish from the rest, look for the title of the parent goals shown on the My Goals, Department, Company or Individual Goals page.

Using Multiple Alignment

To align a goal to multiple parents in the Create or Edit Goal drawer, look for the Alignment section. You would see an option to add multiple alignments. You can search for the desired goals and do an alignment.

In the screenshot below you can see 2 different goals selected.

NOTE: We support alignment in the same tree only above the current level. Peer and child alignment are not supported.

How Multiple Alignment Works

  • No progress will be rolled up if the alignment is of an Aligned Goal type, similar to a single alignment.

  • If the alignment is of KR type, the progress will roll up the same way it does for a single alignment, you are simply contributing to both goals at a higher level

When to use Multiple Alignment

  • If there is a goal that contributes to 2 separate goals, multi-alignment becomes handy.

  • You can also use multi-alignment to group similar goals that are separately aligned to different goals, into a single-parent goal at your My Goal level to have a clear focus for your personal viewing.

Private Goals and Multi Alignment

  • Private goal alignment will work the same way it used to work with single alignment.

  • The users who don't have access to private goals will not see the private goal a specific goal is aligned to.