Playbook & Guides
OKR Handbook 2022: A Complete OKR Guide (short, crisp) - this one is a quick guide, good if you'd like to share with your execs or leaders.
The Ultimate OKR Playbook for Startups (detailed playbook) - this one has lot of details and how to make it work. Bit long.
Video Guides
- Recommended How Startups Can Speed Up Strategy Execution With OKRs - this 1 hour talk gives a really good idea on OKRs. Sienam is one of the most experienced leaders in the OKR space. She has been working with several high growth and late stage companies helping their.
Material that we’ve liked
Bhavin Turakhia - OKR Training Course - a training course by Bhavin, CEO of Flock & Zeta on how OKRs have helped them.
How Google sets goals: OKRs / Startup Lab Workshop - the original, famous video by Rick Klau at Google Ventures.
As a follow up to the above, What Rick Klau would change in 2022 (twitter thread). It has a lot of insights on what is ideal for small companies, etc.